Workshop Chalice Well, Glastonbury UK

Going beyond Twin Flame Seeking and relating from Inner Fulfillment!
Would you like to feel completely at peace and find Joy within your own Heart? This state attracts the right relationships through making Heart connections before you even meet the person in the Physical world. So does that mean that are there ‘wrong’ relationships? Of course not! But you have choices.
You can choose to let beloveds into your life who complement your Heart, while you are both complete and fulfilled within. This creates a beautiful dance, of two people who are in their Truth and in Integrity, a romance without needing to seek outside of oneself.
Normal price £99

Concession £66
(if on low income)

Workshop Organiser Michiel is a Visionary, Channel, Writer, Physicist and Pleiadian Artist
See Bio below
Co-host Leanne is a Visionary Artist, Higher Self and Soul Portrait Reader Master of Lemurian HealingTM and Clinical Psychologist
See bio below

May 25th 2019 Workshop
Tools & Methods
Practical Exercises to clarify our process
Card from the Lemurian Starchild Oracle
drawing a card gives guidance relevant for our path. -
Guided Meditation and Sound Healing
Michiel channels Archangel Michael and Pleiadian Beings of Light (Loving Beings who originate from the Pleiades Star System). -
at several points during the workshop we can share about our individual Journeys if we feel called to.
In the early evening we will do a ceremony in the Chalice Well Garden, to deepen our connection and send love out to the whole world. There will be gentle guidance from Michiel during this ceremony but we will be mostly quiet in this last part of the day to respect the garden guidelines.
Any questions? Please use the contact form below.
Short Introduction + Introductory channeled message
Exploring the Twin Flame penomena together
Our own experiences of relationship, where are we now?
Questioning beliefs about Twin the Flame Paradigm
Guided relaxation: Opening our Heart
Lunch (please bring your own)
Relationship as a portal to find our inner wholeness.... how?
What is the difference between a Twin Flame and a relationship from Inner wholeness?
What would we like to create in our lives?
Guided relaxation
Connecting and being Love: Meditation and Ceremony in Chalice Well Garden
Practical points
The next date is not confirmed yet. Please contact us to express your interest!
Please book to ensure your place.
Chalice Well Garden
85-89 Chilkwell St,
Glastonbury BA6 8DD
Somerset, UK
Facilitator: Michiel Kroon
Co-host: Leanne Carpenter
Methods of integrating Inner Fulfillment
We offer practical tools that facilitate your awakening and your creative process. In this Twin Flame Workshop, we will use practical exercises as well as guided meditation. There will be group processes in which you can share when you feel to.
We go through three basic steps that you can experience for yourself in the healing circle:
1. Expanding your consciousness
2. Breath awareness to connect to your feelings
3. Expressing from your Heart
By questioning relationship beliefs from the Old Paradigm, we create space on an Inner Level. We also connect to our feelings to bring in love and compassion on all levels. This clears the way for our Creator expression.
We give these practical tools to prepare you for the next part of the workshop, where you can receive channeled messages from Archangel Michael and Pleiadian beings. Your family of light would like to connect to you through these messages, to open your heart. They are your helpers who are always around you, also when you are not focused on their presence. The practical tools help you to stay grounded while receiving the higher frequencies that come through during the channeling.
Listen to a sample of a channeled message online:
Lemurian Starchild Oracle Card Deck
We will draw a card from the soon to be published Lemurian Starchild Oracle card deck as clarifiers, and to get guidance for specific questions. You can pre-order this deck at our website.
The Lemurian Starchild Oracle is a sacred and multidimensional gift from the Lemurians and the Pleiadians, and other beings of love and light, to help us grow and thrive as we begin to recognise the luminous potentials and pathways our Mother Earth is offering us now, as she takes up her own sparkling robes of Ascension.
The deck is a medium for important messages, awakening messages that want to reach you. These messages from the Source come through this writing and art to be delivered to your Heart. The Source is your highest state of clarity, pure light that originates all form.
For more information about the deck and to pre-order, please refer to
Bio: Michiel Kroon, workshop facilitator
As a result of a deep spiritual journey that started in my 20s I now offer the insights and multidimensional codes that I have received. I have learned to see beyond linear thought and to open my heart to the whole universe. I have condensed my insights into practical spiritual tools that I describe in my book, Verbal Dancing.
I like to connect to many people to share this spiritual energy. Since my channel opened about four years ago, in Glastonbury, this process has accelerated.
When I grew up in The Netherlands I was very alone in my spiritual sensitivity. Now I would like to show that this spiritual awareness is actually much more natural than living from the mind, from linear thought. With the help of spiritual tools I went deeply within to face shadow aspects, deep emotional issues, to free up space for my True Self. I can guide participants through similar processes of purification and emotional healing. Many doors can open through receiving the words and energy from Archangel Michael and Pleiadian Beings.
Bio: Leanne Carpenter, Co-Host
Aloha! I’m Leanne.
I had a spiritual awakening at 17, which I later discovered coincided with the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. This early awakening led me to a path of deep inner healing and meditation, and I then went on to train as a mainstream Clinical Psychologist. I have always been a keen artist, and had visions of Unity and past lives at many points in my life. I am blessed to have had my natural gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience and claircognizance online since a second awakening in 2011. I was guided at that time to help others connect with their Higher Selves through offering Soul Portrait Readings and have since made many hundreds of these with wonderful feedback. This latter awakening also opened up a transformational connection with past lives and guides from Lemuria and led me to train to Master level in Lemurian HealingTM in 2014. After 24 years of working in Health and Social services I am joyful now to be able to offer a wide range of therapeutic services internationally from our base in Glastonbury, UK.